According to Swami Kuvalayanandaji another name for Guptasana is Samasana. In this posture, body remains in a symmetrical position and, therefore, it is named Samasana The only difference in Samasana and Swastikasana lies in the arrangement of heels, remaining positions are similar. It is a meditative Asana.
How to practice:
Sit erect keeping your supine straight.
Keep your soles between thigh and calf muscles.
Stretch out both your legs together, hands by the side of your body, your palms resting on ground, and your fingers together pointing forward.
Now fold one leg at your knees; put it against the joint of your other thigh.
Fold your other leg; put it near the joint of your other thigh.
Put both your hands on the knees in jnana mudra, a traditional posture of the hand formed with tip of the thumb touching tip of the index finger.
When returning to the original position, first stretch out your right leg.
Then stretch out your left leg and keep both your legs together.
Concentration is improved.
Abdominal muscles are toned.
Strain on the heart is reduced.
Functioning of the backbone is improved.
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