Uddiyana bandha tones, massages and cleans the abdominal organs. If you are familiar with mula bandha, you will see that the drawing up of the pelvic floor naturally leads into the drawing up of the abdomen. This is how the bandhas work together.
This Bandha can be practiced both in standing posture and in sitting posture. We will see it in standing posture.
Steps Inhale deeply by pushing your abdomen forwards, and then exhaling forcibly, empty your lungs.Contract the belly, pulling the navel and intestine towards your back. In this process diaphragm is pushed up and the wall of the belly pulled upward.This Bandha is practices at the end of Kumbhaka (retention of breath) and beginning of Rechaka (exhalation of breath).
Uddiyana Bandha massages the internal organs in the abdominal area, the heart.This massaging of abdominal area improves digestive system, relieves constipation, gas, indigestion and liver trouble, tones up the nerves in the solar plexus region, reduces abdominal fat and strengthens the abdominal muscles. It also has curative and corrective effects on the adrenal glands and sex glands.And the massaging of the heart makes it a stronger, more efficient improving the blood circulation. Regular practice of Uddiyana Bandha makes you young forever.This Bandha is extremely helpful in following celibate. This Bandha awakens the Kundalini power.
Yoga can help you get out of the rut without changing jobs. Again another Hindu study that analyzes five indicators of work performance (satisfaction, commitment, results, emotional involvement and social relationships with colleagues) has shown that the benefits of yoga were appreciated for the worker in four of the five points analyzed, only the level of commitment was exempt from its benefits.
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