yoga and medititaion:lead healthy life
Yoga is a science of life that originated in India several thousands of years ago. It involves much more than the asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises) that most people are familiar with. For this chapter, however, I will limit my discussion of yoga to those aspects -- asanas and pranayama -- also known as Hatha Yoga.Yoga means "union." In simple terms, we can say union of mind, body, and spirit. There are many more explanations about union, but that could be a separate article. There are also many branches of Yoga and, therefore, many types of union, but competition is far from union. Yoga is enjoying growing popularity in Western countries. Most of you reading this are aware of its use as a powerful stress reduction technique.Several studies have shown that yoga significantly improves the condition of bronchial asthmatics, even patients who were childhood asthmatics.
Many subjects eventually reduced or eliminated their need for medicationYoga has been shown to significantly improve mental and physical energy levels and alertness as compared to relaxation exercises and visualization.One study showed that yoga produced and gradual, significant decrease in body weight. In addition there was an increase in alpha wave activity in parts of the brain which corresponds to an increase in patient calmness.
Meditation can strengthen the mind, deepen the relaxation and inner peace that is felt, and change your health and life significantly for the better. At some point in time, I would strongly recommend adding a regular, short meditation period to your routine.
So meditation is the practice of being aware of when the mind moves off a chosen point of focus, or another way of saying that, is that meditation is the practice of being aware of when the mind moves out of the present. When the mind moves out of the present and you notice that, you come back to the present by coming back to the anchorSo when we meditate, we choose an anchor and we make an intention to come back to the anchor when we notice that we are off it. We try to stay focused on our anchor but without any attachment to how long we actually do, and we try to notice quickly when we are off the anchor but without any attachment to how quickly we notice. When we happen to notice we are off our anchor, we gently come back. And it is through this process and this mindset, that we are going to get the benefits of meditation.
Some benefits of meditation are relaxation, stress reduction, improved decision making and increased appreciation for life. get yoga and meditation therpy for good health by herbal and natural expert. Be assured that your problems will be relieved with our supplements you can make the meditation practice itself a very low stress or non-stress experience because you are not trying to do or achieve anything.Then you take that philosophy out into your life where you choose to. Applying the principle of meditation of focusing on process and not results into your life is called the practice of mindfulnes.
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