Viloma means against a natural order. In this pranayama inhalation or exhalation is not a continuous process but is interrupted by several pauses. It can be done either lying down or in a sitting position.
How to do :Lie straight and relaxed on a blanket on the floor. Close your eyes and lie quietly for a minute. Exhale completely until lungs feel empty. Inhale for 2 or 3 seconds, pause and hold the breath for 2 or 3 seconds. Repeat this process until the lungs are completely full. One complete inhalation may include 4 to 5 pauses. There should be no strain throughout the practice. Hold the breath for a second or two. Exhale for 2 or 3 seconds, pause and hold the breath for 2 or 3 seconds and repeat this process until the lungs feel completely empty. One complete exhalation may include 4 to 5 pauses. Gradually release the grip on the abdomen. Inhale and rest in 'Shava Asana'. This complete one cycle of Viloma. Repeat for 8 to 12 minutes or as long as no strain is left.
Major Benefits :
This practice brings a feeling of ease and lightness to the body. It is suitable for beginners and invalids. Strengthens the respiratory system.
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