Are you at the desk every day? Perhaps you need some yoga exercises to relieve all kinds of neck, shoulder, back, and arm pain. Improving posture can make your working experience a lot more enjoyable. This sequence shown is just a simple number of yoga exercises designed to open the chest and shoulders.
This is very helpful in relieving strain by moving blood around the area. If we hold a posture that is stooped forward then we must counter balance the negative effects with frequent positive yoga exercises in an opposing direction. What we have done is make picture layouts to help you with some ideas. There is also a video clip with the extended version.
We begin with the hands in prayer position. (Remember Yoga is a sacred art.)
Take at least 5 breaths to clear the mind and balance breathing before performing these yoga exercises. This is done by closing the eyes and visualizing the air passing through the mind. This will create a feeling of emptying in the mind.
Raise the chest up and the shoulders in the opposite direction. Inhaling as you do this. Then exhale and come forward again. Do this 8 to 12 times before interlocking the hands behind the back. Hold this seated posture with the hands clasped for at least 30 seconds. Hold longer if it feels good.
Then place the hands together at the chest and take another 5 deep breaths. Make sure you expand the diaphragm. Focus on the air passing through then mind and rest for a second or 2 after you exhale. Resting after you exhale encourages tranquility.
Try this simple office yoga sun salutation. First try to learn the simple motions then allow your own intuition to lead you through a similar salutation. This salutation is designed to relieve the shoulders and lower back. It also stimulates blood flow around these area which promotes healing and reduces muscle soreness. The following salutation begins with the hand together. Breathe all air out of the lungs. Inhale stretch the arms up. Look up. Exhale placing the hands on the thighs while entering a forward bend. Inhale raising the chest and chin up while still remaining slightly forward. Exhale curl and round the spine. Inhale and exhale taking time to gather the breath. Then repeat the motion again. If you find that you are not out of breath when you perform this salutation make it continuous. After exhaling and curling the spine inhale and raise the arms up no longer placing the palms together between salutations.
These yoga exercises stretch the upper and lower back, the shoulders and legs. We begin by inhaling and opening the shoulders.Exhaling palms together. Repeat this motions until the arms fatigue just a little.Then the hands are interlocked behind the back. Push the chest forward. Hold this pose for at least breath or until some relief is felt in the shoulder area.Then enter the chair pose with the arms above the head. Hold.Then enter a forward bend. You may need to bend the knees. Allow the spine to curve slightly. This will allow the rhomboids and lower back muscles to stretch a little.Raise up a little and start to move the spine forward and back rapidly inhaling as you move it forward and exhaling as it is moved back. This is called fire breath.Then arch the spine and hold the seated version of cobra.Then clasp the hands behind the head inhaling as you raise up and exhaling as you curl.Place the palms together in prayer position and begin large breathing with a whispering sound as you exhale. Each time exhale as much as you can and keep the quality or sound smooth throughout.Then begin to focus on light in the mind.
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