This pose can be hazardous for the lumbar discs so it is important not to bend forward with a rounded low back. Keep your low back concave as much as possible and your sternum uplifting strongly to maintain the extension of your spine and the length of the front of your torso, which is important in almost all asanas. Pay attention to your hips at the angle between your legs and your lower abdomen (your groins). This is the place to bend from, not your lower back. Of course, the admonition to keep the low back concave and chest expanded in all poses is a guideline. In a deep forward bend, you must round your low back somewhat just as a result of human anatomy.
It is a seated forward bend that stretches the back and spine, shoulders and hamstrings. The name has been drawn from Sanskrit Pascima means back or west and uttana means extension thus literally it means intense stretch of the back or west. It is an excellent posture for abdominal area.
What are the benefits of practicing Pascimottanasana?
1.This asana strengthens the abdominal muscles and helps to cure constipation, dyspepsia and seminal weaknesses.
2. It also removes the possibilities of sciatica.
3. It is highly recommended for women as it benefits the ovaries and uterus and also helps to ease menstrual discomfort. It is also beneficial for kidneys, liver, and diabetes.
What are the cautions?
1. People suffering from chronic constipation should not practice it for more than three minutes daily.
2. If you have ulcer in abdomen then this asana should not be practiced.
3. Do not practice it if you have back problems, asthma or diarrhea.
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