Naukasana is a traditional posture. Its reference is not found in old Yoga-Texts but tradition is old. In the final position of this Asana, the body resembles the form of a boat, hence, it is named Naukasana.
1.Lie down straight on the abdomen with forehead resting on the floor.
2.Keep your feet together and arms extended forward with palms on the floor. While inhaling, raise your arms, head, neck, shoulders, trunk and legs simultaneously as high as possible.
3.Keep your elbows and knees straight. Balance the entire weight of your body on the navel. Maintain this posture as long as possible.
4.While exhaling, bring down your legs, hands and forehead to the ground. Then relax in Makarasana.
Benefits & Precautions:
Naukasana improves the functioning of the lungs, is useful in treating disturbed navel and relieves body stiffness and back pain. It also reduces excess fat from the abdomen. It improves digestion and relieves constipation. Hernia and Ulcer patients should not do this asana.
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