"Yoga Asana Posture has a complete message for humanity. It has a message for the human body. It has a message for the human mind,and it has also a message for the human soul. Will Intelligent and capable youth come forth to carry this message to every individual, not only in India but also in every other part of the world?"
Asana means posture. Asana is the Sanskrit ( an Indian language ) word for different pattern of sitting i.e. postures. Today Asanas / postures have another responsibility and importance from the point of view of physical health. This site intends to give you a complete information on Yoga Asana Posture and how it can benefit for our physical health.
'Asanas' in Sanskrit means posture. There are around 84 asanas - each one has a special name, special form and a distinct way of performing. Asanas are designed to promote, a state of mental and physical well-being or good health. This may be defined as the condition that is experienced when all the organs function effectively under the intelligent control of the mind. Asanas have an extraordinary capacity to overhaul, rejuvenate and bring the entire system into a state of balance.
The utility of Yoga Asana Posture & Meditation Asana Posture must be explained properly. Today, a particular Asana is explained by different teachers in different ways which lead to confusion. Therefore, it is necessary that the practitioner must know why only a particular technique is necessary.
Types of Yoga Asana Postures
1) Svastikasana
3) Bhujangasana
4) Ardha-Padmasana
5) Ukatasana
6) Ardha-Salabhasana
7) Padhastasana
8) Tadasana
9) Dhanurasana - 1
10) Dhanurasana - 2
11) Naukasana
12) Vajrasana
13) Vakrasana
14) Supta-Vajrasana
15) Gomukhasana
16) Gomukhasana (Baddhahasta)
17) Viparitakaranin
18) Ardha-Matsyendrasana
19) Viparitakarani (Saravangasana)
20) Pascimottanasana
21) Ugrasana
22) Konasana
23) Trikonasana
24) Halasana
25) Samasana
26) Uttanamandukasana
27) Bhadrasana
28) Akarana-Dhanurasana
29) Mayurasana
30) Simhasana
31) Padmasana
32) Vakasana
33) Ujjayi Pranayam
34) Padmasana (Baddha)
35) Tolangulasana
36) Anuloma-Viloma
37) Yogamudra
38) Parvatasana
39) Salabhasana
40) Makarasana
41) Makarasana - 2
42) Uddiyana Bandha
43) Matsyasana
44) Vrksasana
45) Kapalabhati
46) Cakrasana - 1
47) Cakrasana - 2
48) Jalandhara Bandha
49) Nauli
50) Agnisara
51) Sirasana
52) Savasana
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